Tuesday, December 7, 2010

more then WIFI , THE WIMAX

WiMAX stands for World Interoperability for Microwave Access that enables the actual broadband wireless network with high speed. WiMAX operate same like WiFi but WiFi operate with some limitation like it is base band technology and cover only 100 feet radius with slow speed. WiMAX covers a radius of 50 Km and work with the speed of 70 Mbps. WiMAX is the replacement of the wired broadband. In wired broadband connection, we can transmit data with 512 Kbps to 10 Mbps speed and more, for example DSL broadband and cable broadband. In future all new desktop and notebook computers will be incorporated with WiMAX technology. With this technology you will be connected to the internet even you are driving your car with the speed of 120 Km.

Objective of WiMAX

Superior Performance


Advanced IP-Based Architecture

Attractive Economics

IEEE 802.16 Specifications

Range 30 mile radius from the base station for LOS (line-of-sight).

Range 4-6 miles radius from the base station for NLOS (Non-line-of-sight)

Maximum data speed supported as 70 Mbps.

Licensed frequency band: 2- 11 GHz

Un-licensed frequency band: 10- 66 GHz

Line of sight is not needed between user and the base station unless very high date rates are required at the user premises.

But unfortunately this technolgy is not present in INDIA till now

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